Posted By: Bay Published: 08/09/2017 Times Read: 13570 Comments: 0

이번 9월에 시니어가 되는 자녀를 가정에서는 개학을 앞두고 대학 입학에 대한 일정관리에 들어 가는 것이 중요하다. 이미 지원할 학교를 결정한 학생들은 개학을 앞두고 입학 원서와 재정 보조에 대한 deadlines 미리 살펴 보면, 입학 준비에 많은 도움이 있다. 이를 통해서, 학교별로 입학 원서와 재정 보조에 대한 마감일이 다르다는 것을 알게 되면, 사전에 충분히 대비하여 마감일을 놓쳐서 불이익을 받는 것을 피할 있다. 효율적인 일정 관리를 위해서 책상 다이어리나 스마트폰를 활용하면 반드시 일정을 지켜야할 아래의 항목들에 대해 보다 용이하게 관리해 나갈 있다.

  College Application: This is the actual form to apply to colleges. Some colleges use their own application form, some use the Common Application and some use the Common App with additional information. You need to understand exactly what is required to apply in your field of study, and find out whether you have to audition, or provide a portfolio. Additional application components require substantial time.

  Federal Financial Aid: There are several forms of federal financial aid which might help you pay for college. To determine your eligibility you must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA comes online beginning October 1 and you need to complete it as early as possible because some programs are only available on a first-come, first served basis. You will also need to complete the FAFSA to determine your federal student loan eligibility,

  State Financial Aid: Each state offers additional financial support to resident college students, but they also have individual filing deadlines. Most states use information from the FAFSA to determine eligibility. For Cal Grants of California residents should submit the FAFSA and your verified GPA by the deadline.

  Institutional Financial Aid: Each college has its own financial aid deadline which may be much earlier than expected. Read the applying college websites carefully to find the deadline, and make sure whether colleges require the FAFSA, CSS/PROFILE, or both, and any other specific information.

 • Scholarships: If you are applying for scholarships to help pay for college, you must meet all deadlines. When paying for college, always explore scholarship opportunities before considering federal or private student loans. College scholarship are free money that you don’t need to pay back. 

To learn how we can help you, call us at 408-247-9000 or Email us at 

Tags: Financial aid


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