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Welcome to Bay Spectrum Consulting blog. We will publish latest news and events about college financial aid planning for your children, and promotions about our services.
Primarily Need Based Colleges and Univerities Very limited merit awards
The listed colleges should be used for families who qualify for need based aid, and have high achieving students. If the family does not qualify for need based aid, these colleges are most likely 'full price'. Most of listed colleges meet 100% of need.
Making college more affordable
자녀의 대학 교육을 위한 부모의 부담이 매년 높아 지고 있는 것을 우리는 잘 알고 있다. 최근에 College Board에서 발표한 통계에 따르면, 학비 상승이 소득 상승율보다 높아 지고 있어, 그 결과 Public colleges는 8연 연속, Private colleges는 6년 연속 실질 비용 부담이 늘어 남으로써, 대학 학비가 가정 경제 부담을 가중하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 따라서, 자녀의 대학 교육 비용을 해결하는 방법의 하나로 경제적 형편과 달리 학생의 성적과 재능에 따라 각 학교 재량으로 지급되는 장학금(Merit Aid)에 보다 관심을 가질 필요가 있으며, 특히 신입생들에게 장학금을 잘 주는 학교들을 소개함으로써 대학 입학을 앞둔 각 가정에 도움을 드리고자 합니다.
2018 Financial Aid Is About to Come
2018/9 학기의 대학 학자금 혜택을 받기 위해, 부모님과 학생들이 반드시 알아야 될 서류와 마감일에 대한 정보입니다. 도움이 필요하시면 저희 스텍트럼의 서비스를 신청하시기 바랍니다.
Myths About Private Scholarships
There are many myths about private scholarships and the benefits of winning scholarships. These myths cause students to underestimate their eligibility for scholarships, discouraging them from applying for scholarships. Scholarships are part of the plan for paying for college, not the entire plan. But scholarships can help reduce the student’s debt and work burden, saving some money on college costs.
Upcoming High school seniors and their parents need to start mapping out the college before the high school year even begins.
College Decision Time Is Around The Corner - Are You Ready To Appeal the Financial Aid Award?
It is preferable for the family to contact the financial aid officer in person, if possible. If this is not possible, then writing an award letter appeal may be necessary. When writing this appeal letter though, the family should be specific.
We can help the affluent clients get admitted from the best colleges in the nation and they would be beneficial either in scholarships, tuition discounts, tax deductions, saving time and less stress.
The Private Scholarship - The Top 10 Do's and Don'ts
Most college scholarships and grants are available through the Federal and State governments, which are ultimately controlled by the colleges themselves. However, there are a few Private scholarships that are available through outside, private sources. These private scholarships are very competitive, and scholarship judges may spend just a few precious minutes or even seconds reviewing the scholarship application. Here are the Top 10 Scholarship Do's & Don’ts that you must know to increase your chances of winning a private scholarship